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You should see the shit that a few fellow ratsunites said on Ratsun Facebook about a certain member from here, truly disgusting...SMH



I have no idea who you actually are in real life, so I don't even know if you saw the shit that was said on FB. Don't want to offend anyone here, but if anyone got offended by the things I said, you're a fucking pussy and deserve to die in a libtard mosh pit at a My Little Ponie convention.


Let's get a few things straight...................


Dan Uphoff was called FAT -- but not in a direct way. Let's be clear about this.

He claimed he was tired of his piece of shit 510 being too low and scraping. He then posted a pic of pos 510. There was a chin spoiler on it... with what appeared to be another chin spoiler attached to THAT. (what the fuck). He claims this is low.

SO - Me, being the loud mouth, decided to rib him a bit and say....


"I don't see it low, do you have to sit in it?"


Ok, you fucking pussies. Really? So now I've called Dan Cunthoff fat and got banned from every nearly FB page there is. 


So, at this point I go to the Ratsun FB page and laugh about it, saying "sorry" in a roundabout half-assed way to HasselUphoff. This actually backfires on me because now apparently Dan Uphoff has a disability (?) and begins to cry and complain until admins actually delete me from there. So, I shit you not, people begin to threaten me and say I'm going to be shut off from the Datsun community because I'm so mean and I'm constantly an ass.


Well, Fuck yeah I am. But that's a story for another time.


Dan Goes as far as telling me "...I'm going to tell my park ranger friend to not let you in Blue Lake". 


At some point some internet chode-doctor-wannabe even goes as far as to tell me to get my mental health checked before "...i commit suicide, harm myself, or harm others"... You're kidding right? 


BECAUSE I CALLED SOMEONE FAT. (In a round-about way).




So Here's my formal apology..........................








































PS: See you all at Blue Lake!

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Nice apology mark. Im not going to be that nice. I would say dan could suck my balls,but in all honesty, i dont want him anywhere near them. Dan is a hypocrite, can joke openly about his fatness and love of four doors in public forum, but gets butthurt about a little ribbing and cries to the internet gods and has people removed so he can talk shit about them when they are not able to defend themselves. Also the thinking he's the almighty better than thou person because he was willed an almost all original car is getting old too.

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I'm not "triggered" at all.



I just want to set the record straight for spineless twats who hide behind moderators on bullshit Facebook pages.


I highly doubt even a fraction of the Ratsun net users even saw what was posted.


I can guarantee JRock and Ted both saw it hence their reactions, too.


Like, this shit is laughable at how big of bitches these folks were on FB of the slightest insinuation of calling someone fat.


And to make it more ear, I'm here posting this laughing. I'm not here being a whiney bitch. lol

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DUDE! Right? Teds a great guy and takes his personal time to provide parts at a minimal profit.


Why cut off the hand that feeds you?


What the fuck does Tim, admin of NW Datsuns, offer to anyone other than moral support, validation and a hand to hold?

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My post was to say that whoever was butthurt at what you allegedly did say about some fat fuck was triggered.

Well fuck. I liked your Triggered post on the premise of you calling mhub triggered. Now my like was fraudulent. Fucking waste!


Mike asleep yet? Can we start the real name calling?

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Well fuck. I liked your Triggered post on the premise of you calling mhub triggered. Now my like was fraudulent. Fucking waste!


Mike asleep yet? Can we start the real name calling?


If you want of course feel free to continue to interpret it that way.



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