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Come on guys.  Dont make fun of the handicapped.  They cant help the way they are.  Its a disease.  Passed down by genetics.



And a shit ton of twinkies,doritos,hershey bars and any other fat inducing shit that sells for cheaper than a Vegas crack whore. 

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Come on guys.  Dont make fun of the handicapped.  They cant help the way they are.  Its a disease.  Passed down by genetics.


The scooter ain't helping them much, except evading any exercise except climbing in out of bed, the toilet or the scooter. What came first the handicap weight or the scooter? Genetically selected to save body fat for lean times when lean times no longer exist for them, means avoiding too many calories and increasing energy output. Those scooters are killing them.

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Come on guys. Dont make fun of the handicapped. They cant help the way they are. Its a disease. Passed down by genetics.

You should see the shit that a few fellow ratsunites said on Ratsun Facebook about a certain member from here, truly disgusting...SMH

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Get over the fact that your head is shoved so far up your ass that you can't see the truth.

And what would that be, Ted? Making fun of people because they're over weight somehow makes you a better man now?, Isn't that equivalent to making fun of mentally ill people?

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Fuck you kohurts mental disability gets made fun of constantly on this forum,,, I have 2 sixteen year old boys that still wear fucking diapers so I can for a fact say even mods on here do it.... Being a fat pig isn't a disability in itself

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Making fun of people call themselfs fat and joke around about it in public forum to be exact. And i never made fun of him. I just called him on his crybaby shit. But he was such a cry baby about it, that he went and hid behind the mods, had me kicked off, then started talking shit about where I can't even defend myself. Real stand up piece of shit in my honest view.


So go fuck your self

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